Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum Leaves an Impact

Carson Browning, Staff Writer

     In 1984, the Dallas Holocaust Museum was founded by a group of Dallas Holocaust survivors dedicated to educating people. It now has grown to promote human dignity and advance human rights to prevent future genocides. 

     “My favorite thing about this museum is meeting local Holocaust survivors,” Annie Black, Director of Programs and Volunteers at the museum said. “We’re able to see how someone can go through so many things we can’t even imagine but still come out so positive and what to share their story so [this museum has] resilience.” 

     The museum is divided into different exhibitions. The Holocaust exhibition focuses on the atrocities of the Holocaust with videos from survivors and artifacts from the genocide. Visitors also learn of the history and culture of the Jewish community. There are videos and artifacts of survivors and concentration camps. The Human Rights Wing shows how the world progressed in the years following the Holocaust while also looking back on and highlighting other genocides throughout history. 

“We should always come and refresh our memories and never let this die because if we forget about history, we will repeat ourselves,” visitor Bob Brennan said.

     The final exhibition is the Pivot to America Wing which focuses on the history of inequality in the United States and the progress of improving the country. The museum also includes special exhibitions that are switched out every few months. The current special exhibition focuses on the LGBTQ rights movement. 

     “It’s important for people to know no matter who they are or where they come from when they [visit] this museum, they are able to find something that resonates with them,” Black said. “If it’s a story that relates to their family’s history or a subject they’re passionate about, there’s a little bit for everyone.”

     The Holocaust Museum has many events and programs to attract the Dallas community throughout the year. Every year the museum brings in around  80,000 visitors and 34,000 students. The museum also has a junior board which is a way to get high schoolers involved and educated on the Holocaust and to have a younger voice represented in the museum.  

     “Being a young person willing to learn, educate themself and help educate their peers is powerful,” junior board member and senior student Abby Brennan said. “My favorite thing is actually hearing from Holocaust survivors.”

     “[Being here], your view of the Holocaust widens,” Brennan said. “You get to see how truly wrong it was beyond what a school textbook can show you.”

     If anyone has any questions on how to get involved, upcoming events or more about the museum, check out the Dallas Holocaust Museum website.