It seems within the past few years, the “Going Green” trend has become more popular each year. Coincidentally, how students perform correlates with the students’ learning environment. The school campus affects their grades and attitude toward learning as a whole.
“I feel like it’s a really good place to learn,” junior David Hardage said. “It helps that we can go outside in the sun and study or eat. It’s really relaxing as opposed to being inside all day long.”
Students are fortunate enough to attend a school with an open campus, and be able to enjoy the weather.
“I think people should respect [the pond] a little bit more,” Hardage said. “I don’t think anyone enjoys walking outside to see a pond that’s green.”
Even though advantages such as an open campus with a pond are present, many students take advantage of these privileges. Outdoor places like the pond, walkways, and open areas of grass are flooded with all types of trash, including beer cans and cigarettes.
“The trash is disappointing, but you can’t exactly leave some sort of an authority figure to monitor what’s going on,” junior Victor Bui said.
Although various trash and litter is found on campus, finding ways to discipline students can be very difficult.
“People should be more considerate of property and not litter, especially on the high school campus” junior Kelly Kraatz said.
Even though teachers cannot push the students to discard of their trash appropriately, students have moral responsibilities to keep the campus clean. Sometimes crazy Texas winds scatter the trash around campus, but it is still nice for students to pick up garbage, whether it is theirs or not.
“Don’t just throw stuff on the ground because you’re too lazy to take it to a trash can,” Hardage said.