Exam Study Tips

Alexis Davis, Staff Writer

     With the holidays coming around, exam week is here. A meaningful way to secure the final grades needed for the semester is through planned study sessions. Whether in a Starbucks or at your house, carving out time to study for exams can help eliminate anxiety and stress for the upcoming exam week. 

     “For exams, I  tend to review my coursework using the Pomodoro method, and go through previous course materials,” Jehan Amir Hamzah said. “It is what has helped me the most with retaining information for exam week” 

     The  Pomodoro method has five steps that lead to creating an efficient study session.

  1.  Decide what to study by breaking up each course into sections. It allows for a thorough review, rather than chunking in multiple classes at once (which leads to short-term retention).
  2. Set a 25-minute timer and start studying-. the Pomodoro method calls for study periods followed by short breaks allowing for the intervals of studying to be time efficient as well as refreshing after coming back from the short breaks.
  3.  Take a five-minute break after each study session- this break allows for time to regain focus and prepare for the next round of studying.
  4. Repeat- for a longer study session, it is recommended to do four rounds, or four Pomodoro’s, then take a long break before getting back to studying. 

     “I enjoy studying at Mudleaf because of the cozy atmosphere,” Phoebe Alves said.

     Finding a good place is just as important as implementing a study plan. Finding a place that is comfortable with limited distractions can maximize the efficiency of your study. Studies also have shown that moving around to different study places allows for the best remembrance of studied material on the big day.

     “To help myself study I [use] flashcards for vocabulary… because writing things down helps me remember it more,” Addie Cummings said.

     Studying tactics such as rewriting notes and creating flashcards have been proven to be the most effective ways to study. Physically writing out subject material allows for an active way of studying, leading to a better understanding than that of simply reading over previous coursework. 

     Studying for exams does not have to be such a daunting task. Creating a study plan based on personal needs can make studying fun, helpful and even more effective.