Keuntae Jackson chooses life of basketball


Zack Bridwell, Staff Writer

Senior point guard Keuntae Jackson has been playing basketball ever since he picked up the ball and discovered that he couldn’t let go.
“I have been playing since I was three years old,” Jackson said. “I played because my mom wanted me to stay active, and then I just started to fall in love with the game.”
From what started off as just a way to stay in shape, Jackson soon realized that this sport would become much more than that. It was not only a way to be active, but also where he would meet the people who he calls his family.
“Through basketball, I have discovered that I would find almost all of my best friends and coaches through it,” Jackson said. “Coach Mann has been with me for a while, and he has really helped me become a better person.”
Not only has Jackson been a player on the court, he also helps teach younger kids by coaching both a boys and girls team. Coaching and helping kids learn how to play has always been a good experience, according Jackson.
“I coach both sixth grade boys and fourth grade girls,” Jackson said. “I want to impact the kids the way coaches in my life have impacted me.”
Because of basketball, Jackson has been given opportunities that have changed him as a person. It has made him face challenges that he normally wouldn’t face and figure how to overcome them by himself or with the team.
“I feel like it has opened many doors for me,” Jackson said. “It helped me build connections with people as well as grow as a person.”
As Jackson started playing throughout the years, he set a goal to someday play college basketball and one day be able to play in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Jackson practices his basketball skills both at school and at home.
“Like most basketball players, I have always wanted to play in college and in the NBA,” Jackson said. “To get to the NBA, I try to practice every day and improve on my weaknesses.”
In order for Jackson to achieve his goal and continue to be successful both on and off the court, it takes a lot of support from both his friends and family. For Jackson, his biggest supporter has always been his family members.
“The person who has helped me the most has always been my mom,” Jackson said. “She’s always been there for me in my dark times when I was down, and she always helped me get back up.”