Cons of having a job

Anita Freij

Keeping a balanced schedule is more difficult when one attends school and work. Often times students with jobs are most likely to feel overwhelmed.

Avery Gregorash, A&E Editor

Typically high school students often have a job on top of school work and social life, yet more often than not parents still supply children with money.

Students should be able to enjoy the last few years of childhood before college without having to worry about a job, and focus on their present educational goals.

Managers or supervisors tend to give jobs to people who are older and can work more hours. For 14-18 year olds it can be a bit harder to even get hired.

This is because age plays a big factor in hiring practices and as students in high school it is typically harder to work more hours than say a college student who only has classes in the morning and can work longer hours.

Nowadays, many parents don’t even want teenagers to get a job because parents agree with the notion that teenagers should enjoy these final years before becoming adults and going to college.

Not all parents agree with this and every now and then want teenagers to get a job so they no longer need to provide for them. But when worse comes to worse, parents typically still give kids money for basic necessities.

Another possible, yet very rare case scenario would be a student finds a job that they really like and continue to work at right out of high school, resulting in the teenager not going to college.

While this could be beneficial, the student may want to eventually quit that job, but it’d be really hard to do because now the adult has no college degree and is stuck in that job. This would be a very rare case scenario, but it could still happen.

According to Child Trends, 51 percent of 16-24 year olds are employed either part time or full time while still pursuing an education.

The rates of employment in teens continues to rise over the years and will continue to grow as the years go on.

Teenagers should be enjoying the last years of childhood, not slaving away at a job that barely benefits them for the future.

Having to balance all of these aspects causes stress, lack of effort and exhaustion. Students already get stressed out by just homework and school in general, not to mention doing college applications.

Having a job as a teenager has been a tradition for far too long and parents and teens themselves need to start realizing that the tradition needs to stop here.

Balancing an education with a job is not only stressful, but it teaches teens to focus more on jobs than their education depending on how demanding the job is.

Society should be prioritizing education, and a job should be a second concern as a teenager, or better yet, no concern at all.